BCD Multiplier

Completed: July 4th, 2014

##System Requirements

  • Input is two 3 digit binary numbers (10 bits each)
  • Output is a 6 digit BCD number (4 bits for each digit)

Verilog Modules

The code was split into three modules. A Binary to BCD converter module, a BCD multiplication module, and a main module for connecting the two others together.

Binary to BCD Converter

This module has an input of a 10 bit binary number and outputs 3 BCD digits that are 4 bits each. The algorithm for converting binary to BCD is the following:

  • If a BCD digit is >= 5, add 3 to it
  • Shift Left
  • If no more shifts remain in the binary number – done.
module binaryToBCD(
    input [9:0] binary,
    output reg [3:0] hundreds,
    output reg [3:0] tens,
    output reg [3:0] ones,
	 output reg overflowFlag

integer i;

hundreds = 4'b0000;
	tens = 4'b0000;
	ones = 4'b0000;
	overflowFlag = 0;

	if(binary > 999)
		overflowFlag = 1;
	end else begin
		for(i=9; i>=0; i=i-1)
			//if >=5 add 3
			if(hundreds >= 5)
				hundreds = hundreds + 3;
			if(tens >= 5)
				tens = tens + 3;
			if(ones >= 5)
				ones = ones + 3;
			//shift left
			hundreds = hundreds << 1;
			hundreds[0] = tens[3];
			tens = tens << 1;
			tens[0] = ones[3];
			ones = ones << 1;
			ones[0] = binary[i];

Example for 156 in binary

Hundreds Tens Ones Binary Instruction
      10011100 Initial
    1 0011100 Shift
    10 011100 Shift
    100 11100 Shift
    1001 1100 Shift
    1100 1100 Add 3
  1 1001 100 Shift
  1 1100 100 Add 3
  11 1001 00 Shift
  11 1100 00 Add 3
  111 1000 0 Shift
  1010 1011 0 Add 3
1 0101 0110   Shift

BCD Multiplication

Multiplication is based on array multiplication with an “A*B + C + D” module.

As seen in the code, the algorithm for the module is

  • Initially set all output registers to 0
  • Add B to output A times (effectively doing A*B)
    • After each addition do BCD correction
  • Add C
    • Do BCD correction
  • Add D * Do BCD correction
module BCDMultiplier(
    input [3:0] A,
    input [3:0] B,
    input [3:0] C,
    input [3:0] D,
    output reg [3:0] Result,
    output reg [3:0] Carry

reg [7:0] calc;
reg [4:0] temp;
integer i;

initial begin
	calc = 0;
	temp = 0;

always@(A or B or C or D) 
	calc = 8'b00000000;

	for(i=0; i<A; i=i+1)
		if(temp>9) temp=temp+6;
		calc[3:0] = temp[3:0];
		calc[7:4] = calc[7:4] + temp[4];
	if(temp>9) temp=temp+6;
	calc[3:0] = temp[3:0];
	calc[7:4] = calc[7:4] + temp[4];
	if(temp>9) temp=temp+6;
	calc[3:0] = temp[3:0];
	calc[7:4] = calc[7:4] + temp[4];

	Result = calc[3:0];
	Carry = calc[7:4];

Main Module

After both modules were made, the they were connected together in the main module.

module Main(
    input [9:0] InputA,
    input [9:0] InputB,
    output [3:0] Result5,
    output [3:0] Result4,
    output [3:0] Result3,
    output [3:0] Result2,
    output [3:0] Result1,
    output [3:0] Result0

wire [3:0] a2,a1,a0,b2,b1,b0;

binaryToBCD converter1(
.binary		(InputA),
.hundreds	(a2),
.tens		(a1),			
.ones		(a0),
.overflowFlag	()
binaryToBCD converter2(
.binary		(InputB),
.hundreds	(b2),
.tens		(b1),			
.ones		(b0),
.overflowFlag	()

wire [3:0] x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11;

BCDMultiplier mult00(
.A		(a0),
.B		(b0),
.C		(0),
.D		(0),
.Result		(Result0),
.Carry		(x0)
BCDMultiplier mult01(
.A		(a1),
.B		(b0),
.C		(0),
.D		(x0),
.Result		(x3),
.Carry		(x1)
BCDMultiplier mult02(
.A		(a2),
.B		(b0),
.C		(0),
.D		(x1),
.Result		(x4),
.Carry		(x2)
BCDMultiplier mult10(
.A		(a0),
.B		(b1),
.C		(x3),
.D		(0),
.Result		(Result1),
.Carry		(x5)
BCDMultiplier mult11(
.A		(a1),
.B		(b1),
.C		(x4),
.D		(x5),
.Result		(x7),
.Carry		(x6)
BCDMultiplier mult12(
.A		(a2),
.B		(b1),
.C		(x2),
.D		(x6),
.Result		(x8),
.Carry		(x9)
BCDMultiplier mult20(
.A		(a0),
.B		(b2),
.C		(x7),
.D		(0),
.Result		(Result2),
.Carry		(x10)
BCDMultiplier mult21(
.A		(a1),
.B		(b2),
.C		(x8),
.D		(x10),
.Result		(Result3),
.Carry		(x11)
BCDMultiplier mult22(
.A		(a2),
.B		(b2),
.C		(x9),
.D		(x11),
.Result		(Result4),
.Carry		(Result5)



As for the testing bench for this module, the following code was used:

module MainTest2;

	// Inputs
	reg [9:0] InputA;
	reg [9:0] InputB;

	// Outputs
	wire [3:0] Result5;
	wire [3:0] Result4;
	wire [3:0] Result3;
	wire [3:0] Result2;
	wire [3:0] Result1;
	wire [3:0] Result0;

	// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
	Main uut (

	initial begin
		// Initialize Inputs
		InputA = 0;
		InputB = 0;

		// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
		// Add stimulus here
		InputA = 015;
		InputB = 012;
		$display("%d x %d", InputA, InputB);
		$display("Results: %d %d %d %d %d %d",Result5,Result4,Result3,Result2,Result1,Result0);		